
Why, What and How of CI/CD?

  • June 20, 2020

Why, What and How of CI/CD?

Sandeep Nangia

VP- Innovation & Delivery- TestingXperts

Enterprises today are in a great need for faster and quality releases to withstand the market pressures. While the agile practices have been adopted far and wide throughout the industry, businesses are unable to substantially pocket the benefits. There is an immense pressure on the development and QA teams to release faster and thus pave way for faster time to market without compromising with the quality of the software How do you get faster releases in lesser time to achieve much-needed delivery excellence? Watch this webinar to know how you can leverage CI/CD tools and practices to ensure faster and quality deliverables. This webinar should whet your appetite to know more about the tools and processes in bringing about CI/CD into your workplaces.

Things you’ll learn:

  • The chasm between the wishes from product releases and the reality.
  • Understand the need for CI/CD in the context of a typical cloud deployed web-app
  • Understand the business benefits of CI/CD.
  • Get an overview of the processes and tools involved in CI/CD implementation.
  • What to do next in your CI/CD journey?

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