E- Books

  • Test Automation | Tx-Automate

Tx Automate – An Intelligent and Ready-to-Deploy Framework

Today’s enterprises essentially demand for quality products along with faster time to market in order to withstand the aggressive market competition. There is a lot of pressure to deliver quality software in shorter windows of time. With Agile and DevOps methodologies on the go, there is more demand for test automation with Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Development (CD) and Continuous Testing (CT) all around; Customizable test automation frameworks are the need of the hour to achieve quality at super speed. Check out this E-book to know how?

This eBook Covers Various Aspects on Tx Automate such as:

  • Framework Overview
  • Architecture Overview
  • Framework Key Features
  • Framework Approach
  • Framework Services
  • Framework Advantages

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    Test Automation | Tx-Automate

    This eBook Covers Various Aspects on Tx Automate such as:

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